
Black Sesame Challah

black sesame challah
January 12

It’s been far too long since we have had french toast. There have been a number of occasions when we wanted to make it so badly that we’ve gone to the local pharmacy (the closest store to us that sells any sort of food) to find bread. Alas, we could not bring ourselves to buy the wonderbread-esque stuff that they sell, so it’s been a while. Yesterday, though, was our ten year anniversary so on top of feeling hungry, I was feeling nostalgic. French toast is our special breakfast food. Before I learned how to make scones, pancakes or crepes, french toast was our thing. So, I knew that I had to make some challah in preparation for a very special Sunday morning french toast meal.

Continue to recipe

2 thoughts on “Black Sesame Challah

  1. Awwwww I didn’t know it was your 10th anniversary…I know it was a happy one & the french toast looks delish,as do all your wonderful recipes..xoxo

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