chocolate hazelnut biscotti

Chocolate Hazelnut Biscotti

October 3 I was invited over to someone’s house for dinner this past weekend. One of my first thoughts upon being invited was, “Yes, I get to bake something!” After spending a few days thinking about what I could bring as a ‘thank you’, I decided that these chocolate hazelnut biscotti were the perfect option. […]

rhubarb muffins

Rhubarb Muffins

July 21 For the past few weeks we’ve been living with our friend in Calgary. We’re moving away at the end of this month but we got rid of our apartment a month too early so we were lucky enough to have a place to stay. One of the great perks of living in this […]

triple hazelnut ice cream

Triple Hazelnut Ice Cream

May 1 It’s birthday time! Every year since I started this blog, I’ve posted the sweet treat that I make for my partner’s birthday (apparently I also use the exact same candle in the photos every year). He’s not into traditional birthday cake, so I always try to make something different, especially delicious and a […]

blackberry apple snacking cake

Blackberry Apple Snacking Cake

March 20 I acknowledge that this is the second loaf cake that I have posted here in less than a month. The last one, a pear and dark chocolate gem, is perfect as a special occasion treat. While it might look understated, it is a knockout filled with chunks of dark chocolate nestled in a […]