potato verenikas

Potato Verenika

February 12 I grew up eating verenikas, a crescent moon shaped pocket of boiled dough, stuffed with creamy potatoes, and topped with sweet caramelized onions and sour cream. Since I left Montreal, I don’t really see them around anywhere. You don’t realize what is special to the place that you live until you leave, and […]

black sesame challah

Black Sesame Challah

January 12 It’s been far too long since we have had french toast. There have been a number of occasions when we wanted to make it so badly that we’ve gone to the local pharmacy (the closest store to us that sells any sort of food) to find bread. Alas, we could not bring ourselves […]

apple cake recipe

Go-To Apple Cake

September 18 Before my food blogging days when having people over for dinner required tried and true recipes rather than an excuse to test new recipes on other people, this apple cake was my go-to desert. Unsurprisingly, it is a Smitten Kitchen recipe. Surprisingly, the first time I made it, I was convinced that I […]

Sweet Potato Latkes and Pomegranate Relish

November 14 So, I don’t know if you have heard but it’s Thanksgivingukkah this year! I didn’t think that the spelling around Hannukah could be even more complicated, but Thanksgivingukkah has really outdone itself. Basically, it is the very rare occasion that the Jewish holiday of Hannukah is on the same day as American Thanksgiving. […]