CondimentSide dishVegan

Oven Fries with Roasted Red Pepper Dip

July 22

Oven fries and red pepper dip
I’ve been really into making dips lately. Back when we lived in Vancouver, I would stop at the grocery store on our corner every day before I went home and pick up something to cook dinner with. Now that I have to drive to the grocery store, I try to just buy a bunch of stuff for the week. I don’t plan meals out (although that may be the more sensible thing to do, I can’t bear to think that far ahead), I just try to get enough fruit and vegetables to last us the week. What ends up happening is that I have random odds and ends that I have to throw together to make a meal that is semi-interesting. I made this red pepper dip last week with some eggs and potatoes and it made what would be an otherwise boring meal pretty special.

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