Simple Bean Salad

November 21 In the past, I would have hesitated before posting this recipe. It would have seemed too commonplace and simple. Instead, I loved how this site was a place where I could push myself to make more complicated recipes and experiment with different flavours. However, this is the kind of recipe that I am […]



August 28 It’s almost time to say goodbye to Calgary. Actually, you are probably reading this recipe after we’ve already left. We’ll be on vacation for four weeks (yay!), before we make the actual move to New York, and I am trying to prepare some posts in advance. I suspect that most of the recipes […]

greek salad

Greek Salad

June 20 A few weeks ago, we were leaving our friend’s apartment and she offered us a few springs of fresh oregano from her garden. Obviously, I accepted. Ever since I started my little indoor herb garden, I am convinced that there is nothing more convenient and delicious than having whatever amount of fresh herbs […]

Spring Ratatouille

Spring Ratatouille

June 7 I love going to the markets and seeing the spring and summer produce slowly appear. Every year, when summer turns to winter, I miss the abundance of fruit and vegetables that are in their prime but after a few months, it’s easy to forget what a good tomato looks like. Now that peppers, […]