Ultimate Hummus

January 24 As soon as I saw a recipe for homemade hummus posted on I Will Not Eat Oyster’s blog, I knew I had to give it a try. Hummus is one of my all time favourite dips (it’s main rival is guacamole). I knew if I was going to spend the extra time soaking […]

Cashew date tomato chutney

Cashew Date Tomato Chutney

January 10 A few months ago, a friend of mine came over to teach me how to cook a few Indian dishes, which we then shared with a bunch of our friends. I wrote about the Baingan Bharta that we made, back in September, but there was one more dish from the evening that I […]

fresh mango salsa

Fresh Mango Salsa

June 25 One of the best parts of selling at the farmer’s market is trading my bagels for some of the other produce and products that are being sold there. A couple of weeks ago, there was a vendor I hadn’t seen before and he offered to trade some of his salsa for a pack […]


December 3 I keep buying eggplant and not knowing what to do with it. I feel like I use eggplant all of the time, but I don’t. In my mind it’s like mushrooms in the sense that it is super substantial and often used as a ‘meaty’ substitute in vegetarian cooking (why is that?) but […]