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Soba Noodles with Eggplant and Mango

December 11

‘Tis the season for potlucks and parties. It’s been quite some time since I’ve felt like I’ve had such an active social life. While it’s sometimes exhausting, the holidays are also a wonderful time when people make an extra effort to get together and celebrate with one another, usually around food. I have been sitting on this recipe for quite some time. It’s one of my favourite ones from Ottolenghi’s cookbook Plenty. If you’ve never heard of this cookbook, it is filled with beautiful photos and original vegetarian recipes. Of the handful of cookbooks that I own, two of them are by Ottolenghi (the other one that I have is Jerusalem). He has a beautiful style of writing and I find his recipes very inspiring in the sense that they are not flavours or ingredients that I would normally think of, so just flipping through the pages of his books gets my mind going.

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