smoothie bowl

Mango, Banana and Strawberry Smoothie Bowl

April 23 Smoothie bowls have only been in my life since I had my first acai bowl in Hawaii last year. What a breakfast-changing discovery that was! Since then, my freezer has been consistently stocked with a variety of fruit and my pantry is always full of potential crunchy toppings. You don’t need a recipe to make […]

eggplant and mango salad rolls

Eggplant and Mango Salad Rolls

March 8 This past weekend, I was at a potluck and had one of the most delicious eggplant dishes that I had ever tried. I immediately had to ask where the recipe was from and lucky for me, it was sitting in Jerusalem, one of my favourite cookbooks. I couldn’t believe that I had overlooked […]

fresh mango salsa

Fresh Mango Salsa

June 25 One of the best parts of selling at the farmer’s market is trading my bagels for some of the other produce and products that are being sold there. A couple of weeks ago, there was a vendor I hadn’t seen before and he offered to trade some of his salsa for a pack […]

Soba Noodles with Eggplant and Mango

December 11 ‘Tis the season for potlucks and parties. It’s been quite some time since I’ve felt like I’ve had such an active social life. While it’s sometimes exhausting, the holidays are also a wonderful time when people make an extra effort to get together and celebrate with one another, usually around food. I have […]