Side dishVegan

Roasted Spiced Carrots

December 27

I grew up hating baked carrots. The only kind I had ever eaten were super sweet, sickly, maple glazed carrots, baked until they were completely mushy. I can’t tell you how much I disliked those. Because of that, for a long time, any time anyone mentioned baked or roasted carrots I immediately explained that they were one of the few things that I didn’t like. Somehow though, I have been introduced to the real glory of roasted spiced carrots. Most of the time, they snuck onto my plate as a side dish at a restaurant (and I am more opposed to leaving food on my plate than eating some less than tasty vegetables). It’s also funny how much your tastes can change as you get older. Sometimes the version you had as a child is not a very good representation of what the dish could be and sometimes your taste buds just evolve (olives!). Either way, I try to remind myself to stay open to things that I think I hate, just in case something changes. The other night, I was reminded of the change in my opinion of roasted carrots when I went out to a spanish tapas restaurant and I had delicious roasted spiced carrots: perfectly spiced, ‘al dente’ and slathered in a flavourful sauce.

Continue to recipe

2 thoughts on “Roasted Spiced Carrots

  1. Oh, this just looks like heaven! I agree with you on the “perfectness of the modern market” where vegetables with the smalls flaw is discharged and often town away and the fact that carrots from the beginning were purple seems to been forgotten. However. It looks amazing!

    1. Yeah, it’s so nice to start to see more of the “imperfect” stuff available. I hope you give this one a try, Petra!

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