September 15
My first egg memory is of my grandmother making me “dunkie” eggs, which is basically a soft boiled egg, with the top chopped off that you dip buttered toast soldiers into. She always had really cute egg holders, which I clearly don’t have but I made do with a couple of spoons. Eating this dish is a thoroughly satisfying experience. First, you get to eat the tiny bit of egg white that stuck in the top of the egg that’s been chopped off, the yolk totally gushes out with the first dunk, and once your done dunking your deliciously buttered toast into the egg, you scoop the remaining egg white out with a tiny spoon.
One thought on “Dunking Egg with Arugula Pesto Toast”
I’m soooo excited that you remember my dunkie eggs…..You’re so cute..Guess that’s why I love you so much!!!!