black bread recipe

Black Bread

September 12 I am not sure if I have mentioned it before, but I get major food envy. This is especially a problem when we are out to eat and I can’t decide what to order. Most of the time, I am pretty sure that both options would be just fine but I am worried […]

strawberry galette recipe

Strawberry Galette

June 12 This is the second galette I’ve ever made. The first one was intended for this blog but it didn’t work out very well. I think I tried to ‘wing-it’ which is always a bad idea when you are not a proficient baker. This time, I researched the general approach to making galettes and […]

triple chocolate rye muffins recipe

Triple Chocolate and Rye Muffins

March 17 I’ve been seeing a bunch of recipes combining rye and chocolate lately. Personally, I couldn’t get the combination out of my head but didn’t have any rye flour at home, so it went on the back burner. This weekend, though, when I bought some cocoa nibs (at the best spice store ever!), I […]

chocolate chip cookies with a twist

Chocolate Chip Cookies with a Twist

February 13 I have spoken at length about why and how much I suck at baking cookies and the tipsĀ I follow to suck a little bit less. Anyway, I think with this batch of cookies (the first one since my last) I can stop pretending that I don’t like making cookies. I don’t think I […]