Apricot Almond Bread

March 5 There are a bunch of foods that are perfect blank canvases, that you can make over and over again using the same base recipe and technique and it never gets old. I am sure that applies to a lot of dishes, but when I think of that blank canvas, I think of ice […]

Double chocolate pear scones

Double Chocolate Pear Scones

January 9 I have had a revelation. If you add cocoa powder AND chunks of chocolate to baked goods, you can make anything double chocolate! This may sound ridiculous to all of you experienced bakers but it never occurred to me to add cocoa powder to things, even though I never forget to add chocolate […]

sage and parmesan buttermilk biscuits recipe

Parmesan and Sage Buttermilk Biscuits

November 13 I’m always on the lookout for fresh carbs that come together quickly. You obviously can’t bake a loaf of bread on a whim, so I was on the lookout for some good tea or soup-dunking fare (sweet or savoury is always a dilemma, am I right?). While I’ve never had them before, biscuits […]

apple cake recipe

Go-To Apple Cake

September 18 Before my food blogging days when having people over for dinner required tried and true recipes rather than an excuse to test new recipes on other people, this apple cake was my go-to desert. Unsurprisingly, it is a Smitten Kitchen recipe. Surprisingly, the first time I made it, I was convinced that I […]