CondimentFast Weeknight DinnerMainSandwiches

Grilled Cheese with Pickled Onions and Cilantro Almond Harissa Spread

May 15, 2013

Yes, my first post is a recipe for a sandwich. A fancy grilled cheese sandwich at that.

In defense of the sandwich though (as if grilled cheese ever needs defending, right?) there were a couple of things that I wanted to try out and a sandwich seemed like a perfect vehicle for both.

In both cases, the ingredients I’ve been hankering to make myself/use are both a product of my new ‘station’ in life. I (very) recently moved to Calgary, Alberta, a land of Safeways, Superstores and beef, lots of beef. Although I am probably being a little harsh on my new home, first impressions were pretty dire.

However, there have been two food-related lights at the end of the tunnel.
Continue to Recipe

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