ChocolateDessertPotluck DishesSnack

Chocolate Hazelnut Biscotti

chocolate hazelnut biscotti
October 3

I was invited over to someone’s house for dinner this past weekend. One of my first thoughts upon being invited was, “Yes, I get to bake something!” After spending a few days thinking about what I could bring as a ‘thank you’, I decided that these chocolate hazelnut biscotti were the perfect option. I took a few things into consideration to make this assessment:

    -First, everyone loves chocolate and hazelnut (right?!).
    -Second, the biscotti are super easy to pack up and transport. Avoiding a mess on the subway (and in my purse) is essential.
    -Third, I am confident that most people can eat these every day, with a cup of their favourite hot beverage, and never get sick of them.
    -Last, they freeze super well, which means you aren’t forcing someone to eat tons of dessert if that’s not in their regular routine (although I would have no trouble finishing them off).

Continue to recipe

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