Black Sesame Ice Cream

May 22 By far the best (and possibly most expensive?) gelato place in Vancouver is Bella Gelateria. It was certainly a treat when we lived there but when we visit a couple times a year, we always try to go (as long as the line-up isn’t too long). On top of the amazing texture of […]

triple chocolate rye muffins recipe

Triple Chocolate and Rye Muffins

March 17 I’ve been seeing a bunch of recipes combining rye and chocolate lately. Personally, I couldn’t get the combination out of my head but didn’t have any rye flour at home, so it went on the back burner. This weekend, though, when I bought some cocoa nibs (at the best spice store ever!), I […]

Coconut Bread

March 7 I told myself that I would be thankful for the warm weeks that we had here in January and that even if the winter got terrible, I wouldn’t be depressed because we had a nice break in between! Well, I guess that’s easier said than done. After week upon week of uninhabitable weather, […]

chocolate chip cookies with a twist

Chocolate Chip Cookies with a Twist

February 13 I have spoken at length about why and how much I suck at baking cookies and the tipsĀ I follow to suck a little bit less. Anyway, I think with this batch of cookies (the first one since my last) I can stop pretending that I don’t like making cookies. I don’t think I […]