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Vegan Chili

vegan chili
December 6

Sometimes I feel like I forget about the most obvious meals. The other day I thought of chili, and I am pretty sure that it has just never occurred to me to make it before (maybe I’m forgetting? It almost feels impossible that this was my first time making it). Either way, it’s not something that I normally think of and the other night, it kind of just occurred to me: vegan chili would be a great one pot meal! I totally committed to it (i.e. my boyfriend who can be pretty picky with dinners approved) and then I realized I had no beans. Luckily, I was able to run to the corner store which is pretty well-stocked with canned goods, grabbed some beans and corn (which is such a nostalgic part of chili for me) and I was all set! It’s pretty amazing that a bunch of beans, some basic vegetables, and a few dried chiles and spices can make something so hearty and delicious.

Continue to recipe

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