Raw Beet and Radish Salad

October 17 I used to make ‘purple soup’ all of the time. Basically, it was a super simple soup made of blended kidney beans, onions, garlic and a few spices. I usually kept it pretty thick, so on top of it being a purplish/grey color, it was also pretty lumpy. It was cheap, fast and […]

vegetarian potstickers recipe

Vegetarian Green Potstickers

October 2 As a vegetarian, I always feel like I get the short-end of the potsticker stick. One of the things I miss from my meat eating days (childhood, really, since I haven’t eaten meat since I am 12) is wonton soup. It isn’t so much the taste of the soup but the texture of […]

Spaghetti Squash, Chard, Spicy Nuts and Tahini Tomatoes Stack

September 29 Where has my natural light gone? It’s getting darker earlier and earlier these days. It is perceptible. While this was always distressing (because light = happiness), it is a whole new breed of distressing now that I’ve started photographing my meals. Last night, I made such a nice, light dinner that I instantly […]

Curried Lentil Soup

September 23 I debated for a very long time whether to post this recipe. I made this soup for the first time before this blog existed. I got the recipe off of 101cookbooks.com and it was perfect. I ate it all week for lunch and didn’t get sick of it one bit. Beyond its deliciousness, […]