stuffed red peppers

Stuffed Red Peppers

February 14 I bought a bunch of red peppers a few weeks ago to make fajitas. Unfortunately, I got home and realized I didn’t have any tortillas. There was no way that I was going back to the store, so I set my mind to figure out what I could do with the ingredients I […]

miso maple wild rice bowl

Miso Maple Wild Rice Bowl

October 4 I’ve recently discovered wild rice blends. If you’re not a huge fan of brown rice on it’s own and want to steer away from white rice, you should definitely check it out. The main reason that I love it is that the texture is amazing. Because there are different shapes, sizes and types […]

sesame seared tuna

Sesame Seared Tuna Bowl

June 17 A few months ago, I bought fresh tuna for the first time. We never really saw it at the grocery store before and when we did, we were intrigued to try it out. Because it was a beautiful piece of fish, I wanted to cook it super simply: crusted in black and white […]

thai green curry

Thai Green Curry

March 30 I’ve been feeling in a bit of a recipe slump these days. Even though our trip to Hawaii inspired me in a couple of very tasty ways, the dishes were not in the main meal department. Instead, since we’ve been back, I’ve been turning to my favourite tried and true recipes instead of […]