triple hazelnut ice cream

Triple Hazelnut Ice Cream

May 1 It’s birthday time! Every year since I started this blog, I’ve posted the sweet treat that I make for my partner’s birthday (apparently I also use the exact same candle in the photos every year). He’s not into traditional birthday cake, so I always try to make something different, especially delicious and a […]

pistachio ice cream recipe

Pistachio Ice Cream

September 2 I grew up watching my dad eat handfuls of pistachios at a time, but I never associated them with cooking. I think the first time I actually made something with the beautiful green nuts was this granola. But since then, I never thought of actually cooking with them until we went to Italy […]

Pine nut gelato

July 27 I wasn’t planning on posting anything made with the ice cream maker again for a while; mostly because I know that not everyone has an ice cream maker. But, I guess tis the season, and this gelato was too ridiculously good to not share. Also, I never, ever would have thought of this […]