Power-Packed Granola Bars Recipe

Power-Packed Granola Bars

April 14 Now that it’s been consistently nice out, I have been able to run outside. I always find, no matter how much I think that I am staying active and keeping in shape at the gym over the winter, the first run outside pretty much kills me. On top of making me super sleepy, […]

Green Smoothie

August 26 Last week I was visiting a friend and she introduced me to this smoothie.I am totally a creature of habit when it comes to breakfast. It’s not that I’m against eating new things, I just always go back to my trusty bowl of cereal and fruit. So, when my friend asked me what […]

Frozen Banana with Chocolate

July 2 I’ve never lived anywhere where the possibility of a natural disaster was a regular thing. I think that it would be absolutely terrifying to live in a place where wild fires or tornados were a yearly occurrence, so the flooding here in Calgary was definitely a new experience. It’s crazy to think that […]