gingerbread granola

Gingerbread Granola

December 13 It’s amazing how quickly cravings and habits form. I remember when we went to Asia and I started eating curry, fish and rice for breakfast. At first, my stomach would turn. I was used to milk and sugary cereal. It was so strange. After just a few days though, I started looking forward […]

Healthy Breakfast Apple Muffins

Healthy Breakfast Apple Muffins

September 27 It really feels like autumn here now. The trees are golden, the apples and pears have taken over the markets, and there is a clean, crisp feeling to the air. Today we went to see the larches. They look like coniferous trees but turn yellow at the end of September. I’ve heard a […]

Healthy Chocolate Cherry Brownies

Healthy Chocolate Cherry Brownies

August 9 Around three o’clock, every day, I get a hankering for something sweet. To be more specific, I want something sweet and chocolate-y. Normally I just have a square of chocolate, which is great when all I want is chocolate, but sometimes it leaves me feeling less than satisfied. Sometimes I am also slightly […]

ten minutes muesli

10 Minute Muesli

June 9 This weekend we decided we would drive up to Lake Louise and do a little hike. It wasn’t going to be a hugely long hike but it’s a long drive and I knew it would be a long day, which calls for snacks. The problem is, by the time the weekend rolls around […]