hermit cookies recipe

Hermit Cookies

November 4 I actually have no idea when I first heard of hermit cookies. I’m not even sure I have tasted them before making this batch, so I can’t vouch for their authenticity (but I can vouch for their deliciousness). From what I have read, hermit cookies are characterized by the spices and dried fruit […]

apple cake recipe

Go-To Apple Cake

September 18 Before my food blogging days when having people over for dinner required tried and true recipes rather than an excuse to test new recipes on other people, this apple cake was my go-to desert. Unsurprisingly, it is a Smitten Kitchen recipe. Surprisingly, the first time I made it, I was convinced that I […]

pistachio ice cream recipe

Pistachio Ice Cream

September 2 I grew up watching my dad eat handfuls of pistachios at a time, but I never associated them with cooking. I think the first time I actually made something with the beautiful green nuts was this granola. But since then, I never thought of actually cooking with them until we went to Italy […]

Chocolate, Orange, and Raspberry Meringue Cake

August 27 Last week, it was absolutely freezing here in Calgary. I have to be careful what I wish for, because last month when it was 30C outside and our apartment was sweltering, I caught myself looking forward for when things would finally cool down and I could be in our apartment without dying of […]