Plum Cake Recipe

September 13

plum cake
The summer fruit was here and now it’s gone. It happened so fast. Summer is definitely my favourite time for fruit, and I eat a lot of it. It’s my snacks, my breakfast, and my dessert so I need to fill the void fast. The past couple of weeks the best fruit I can get my hands on is definitely the plums. I love stone fruit so much and I am more than pleased that the plums are delicious at this time of the year. I bought some plumcots at the store the other day and have been snacking on them whenever I need a bit of a pick me up. In even more exciting news, I also came across these small purple Italian plums at my local organic grocery store. They  are a lot smaller than the black plums I normally get. While I am sure I could have easily eaten a dozen throughout the week, these little plums were destined for something greater. Something I have wanted to try for a long time now, a plum cake that I read about on Smitten Kitchen a couple of years ago.
italian purple plums
I remembered this cake because it called for these particular plums, and I had never really seen them before. Also, she describes the cake as something of a classic, a much blogged and written about treat. A recipe that has been reprinted and baked over and over again. Sometimes when I come across recipes like this, I wonder why I should even post them here. I don’t intend on changing the recipe too much (especially when it comes to desserts) but this blog is a lot of things to me. It’s a place for me to experiment but it’s also a place for me to keep track. It’s a place that reminds me of the food that I love to cook and to eat. I hope that it is that for some of you too. So, to remind myself of this delicious cake, in plum seasons to come, I am posting this recipe, because it is a cake that I don’t want to forget.
plum cake
plum cake
plum cake
The cake is utterly delicious. The smaller plums aren’t completely necessary, but they help. As I mentioned, they are much smaller than regular plums and because you are studding the top of the cake with plum halves, they are the perfect size. Nestled within a simple, sweet cake batter, their jammy juices make the whole cake moist (especially on the second day when the juices have had the time to make their way through the cake). When you’re assembling the cake you’ll see that it is clearly half cake, half fruit: a ratio that I will always vote for. I hope you try this cake and that it gets shared and remembered.
plum cake
plum cake

Plum Cake Recipe

Total Time: 1 hour, 20 minutes

Plum Cake Recipe

Adapted, barely, from Smitten Kitchen

This cake gets more moist on the second day, if you want to wait.

1 cup (125g) all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt
8 tablespoons (120g) of unsalted butter at room temperature
3/4 cup (160g) sugar + 1 teaspoons for the end
2 large eggs
10-12 Italian purple plums, halved
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350F.

Whisk together flour, baking powder and salt in a small bowl

In a large bowl, cream butter and sugar together with an electric whisk until light and fluffy (a couple of minutes)

Add one egg at a time to butter/sugar mixture.

Slowly add the flour mixture to the batter and mix until just combined.

Spoon batter into a parchment lined 9 inch square baking tray.

Press plum halves into batter.

Sprinkle plums with lemon juice, then cinnamon, then extra 2 teaspoons of sugar.

Baking for 40-45 minutes, until it is fully cooked through (a toothpick should come out clean).

Let cool completely before serving.

Plum Cake was last modified: September 13, 2015 by My Second Breakfast

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