
Japanese Inspired Popcorn

japanese inspired popcorn
April 26

Most days I feel like all I do is snack. I eat all day long and always feel partially satisfied. I am constantly jumping back and forth between wanting salty, sweet and savoury food. Some chocolate here, avocado there, and normally for my salty craving, I go for some popcorn. Popcorn is especially satisfying as a snack because just a small amount of kernels turns into a huge bowl of popcorn. Eating a few pieces at a time also means that it lasts a little longer than most other things I munch on, which is always a good thing. I pretty much always make my popcorn the same way. Making sure it is salty but also that there is a little bit of spice and sweetness balancing it out. This miso butter, togariashi spiced concoction is not my usual fare but it’s definitely something special.

Continue to recipe

2 thoughts on “Japanese Inspired Popcorn

  1. This is genius!

    Japanese food is always a win. I would have never thought of such a recipe- what a wonderful thing, the internet is! I know what I am going to be doing with my afternoon… Yumm!

    Also, this whole site looks really good. The layout, the writing style, the name… Keep up the good work!

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