Hazelnut Butter Recipe

May 31, 2013

hazelnut butter
A few weeks ago, I was making this cake for my boyfriend’s birthday (mostly because it was described as tasting just like nutella). The recipe calls for a whole bunch of ground hazelnuts, so I was using a blender to grind-away when I realized that the hazelnuts at the bottom of the blender were being pulverized and those at the top weren’t being ground at all (I guess that is why you need to use a food processor, but you have to work with what you’ve got, right?). I was pretty annoyed that I couldn’t even get the simple part of the recipe right, when I discovered that the hazelnuts at the bottom had actually turned into hazelnut butter. That is when all of my frustration melted away in nut-buttery goodness.

I always knew it was easy to make nut butter at home but I never owned a food processor and I don’t eat it that often so I didn’t give it much thought. But, let me tell you, once you get a taste of it, you’ll never go back. After eating all of the ‘unusable’ nut paste at the bottom of the blender, I pledged that I would make a full batch when I had a chance. Luckily, I found a mini food processor on sale a couple weeks later and I was set.
roasted hazelnuts
hazelnut skins
Making nut butter is so simple that I almost feel silly posting a recipe for it, but I know that there are people like me out there that need a reminder of how easy it is to make. This recipe uses hazelnuts, but you can go ahead and use whichever nut you want (and any combination you want)- think almonds, peanuts, macadamias, the possibilities are endless! Also, quantities, texture and flavor combinations are completely up to you! Cinnamon? Vanilla? CHOCOLATE?
hazelnut butter
The one thing to keep in mind is that you should toast your nuts pretty well. The flavor really intensifies. If you can’t find pre-roasted nuts, doing it yourself at home is really easy and well-worth the effort. Make sure that the skins are cracked and that the nut inside is a nice golden color.
hazelnut butter

Hazelnut Butter Recipe

Serving Size: Makes just under 2 cups of hazelnut butter

3 cups hazelnuts
3 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoons coarse salt

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

Lay your hazelnuts on a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Roast hazelnuts for 10-12 minutes, until skins are dark and cracking. Let hazelnuts cool.

Use a clean dish towel or your hands (if you don't mind getting a little dirty) to rub the skins off of the hazelnuts (do the best that you can, it's okay if there are some left).

Put hazelnuts, sugar and salt in a food processor and blend until smooth (about 5 minutes). You can always blend the hazelnuts alone until smooth and then add in the seasoning at the end to your own taste.

Keep refrigerated for a couple of weeks and use with plain yogurt, fruit, ice cream, or on a piece of toast.


Hazelnut Butter Recipe was last modified: May 31, 2013 by My Second Breakfast

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