Sweet Potato Latkes and Pomegranate Relish

November 14 So, I don’t know if you have heard but it’s Thanksgivingukkah this year! I didn’t think that the spelling around Hannukah could be even more complicated, but Thanksgivingukkah has really outdone itself. Basically, it is the very rare occasion that the Jewish holiday of Hannukah is on the same day as American Thanksgiving. […]

Poutine: Indian Style

September 5 A couple of weeks ago I helped my boyfriend make his lunch for the week. We made chicken, butter chicken sauce, Indian spiced mashed potatoes and swiss chard and radish salad. His lunches are pretty much always very meat-centric so I never taste them, let alone eat them myself. However, I couldn’t stop […]

Edible Garden

August 8 I bought a small terrarium last weekend. Basically it’s a small glass bowl that has a little garden inside of it. The first thing I said when I saw it was: how hard is it to kill this? (because if it is easy to kill, I inevitably will). The answer was that it […]

Kohlrabi Coleslaw

July 26 Ok, I’ll admit, the Kohlrabi doesn’t play a more or less important role in this slaw than the other vegetables. So, why does it get a starring role in the title of the recipe you ask? Well, because I was so excited to be using it! I received my CSA box and in […]