

November 15 I never learn when it comes to beets. I always buy them, come home, stare at them, and have no idea what to do with them. I don’t love beets in juice and never really eat more than a couple of bites of roasted beet salad. Don’t ask me why: they are gorgeously […]

Silky Sweet Potato Soup

October 25 A couple of weeks ago, I stopped making bagels for the farmer’s market. Selling bagels was something that I always wanted to try but I got to a place where I couldn’t grow the business anymore (I definitely reached my capacity in terms of the number of bagels that I was able to make […]

green spring soup

Spring Green Soup

May 13 I have a little herb family! I have absolutely no access to the outdoors, but I have a great big window in the apartment and after doing some reading, I learned that you can actually grow herbs indoors. I took the plunge despite the fact that I am pretty notorious for killing my […]

caribbean coconut seafood soup

Caribbean Coconut Seafood Soup

February 21 We were in Costa Rica over a year ago. The most memorable and delicious meal was one that we had in Puerto Viejo, which is on the Caribbean side of the island. We left our hostel and walked down a very dark road, heading for a place to eat that ended up being […]