tahini chocolate chip cookies

Tahini Chocolate Chip Cookies

July 9 As I mentioned in my last post, I have been trying to get through all of my food before we move. I had almost a full jar of tahini leftover and so it was high on my priority list of things to use up. I was also invited to a potluck BBQ. As […]

sesame square

Sesame Squares

June 30 Masterchef Australia is back and I love it just as much as ever. On the program, there is something called a mystery box challenge where the contestants are given a limited number of ingredients to work with and are judged on their creativity and the deliciousness of the dish. Right now, I feel […]

Ultimate Hummus

January 24 As soon as I saw a recipe for homemade hummus posted on I Will Not Eat Oyster’s blog, I knew I had to give it a try. Hummus is one of my all time favourite dips (it’s main rival is guacamole). I knew if I was going to spend the extra time soaking […]