triple hazelnut ice cream

Triple Hazelnut Ice Cream

May 1 It’s birthday time! Every year since I started this blog, I’ve posted the sweet treat that I make for my partner’s birthday (apparently I also use the exact same candle in the photos every year). He’s not into traditional birthday cake, so I always try to make something different, especially delicious and a […]

earl grey tea ice cream

Earl Grey Tea Ice Cream

February 15 Some of my greatest food loves are ones that my boyfriend does not share (artichokes, very dark chocolate, and tea or coffee flavoured desserts), especially in the ice cream department. So, when he goes for Stracciatella (which I don’t deny is delicious), I go for coffee or tea flavours. I am sure I have […]

Pine nut gelato

July 27 I wasn’t planning on posting anything made with the ice cream maker again for a while; mostly because I know that not everyone has an ice cream maker. But, I guess tis the season, and this gelato was too ridiculously good to not share. Also, I never, ever would have thought of this […]

Coconut Ice Cream

July 24 My collection of kitchen toys seems to have exploded over the past couple of months. I have definitely downgraded in terms of my kitchen itself since we moved to Calgary but I guess that being in the kitchen, experimenting with new tools and products makes me happy. I find myself buying things that […]