stone fruit salad

Stone Fruit, Hibiscus Fruit Salad

July 31 I am a fruit fiend at this time of the year. One of my favourite weekly rituals is to go the farmer’s market and choose the best-looking produce that I can find. Obviously, this includes a variety of fruit, straight from the Okanagan Valley. I tend to go for berries, which are beautiful, […]

Healthy Chocolate Mousse

Vegan Chocolate Mousse

January 31 It’s the vegan chocolate mousse battle! You may be asking yourself, why would such a battle ever need to take place? Well, a couple of weeks ago, I was checking out some food videos on YouTube (as I contemplated making more of my own but that’s another story) and came across a Green […]

Healthy Chocolate Cherry Brownies

Healthy Chocolate Cherry Brownies

August 9 Around three o’clock, every day, I get a hankering for something sweet. To be more specific, I want something sweet and chocolate-y. Normally I just have a square of chocolate, which is great when all I want is chocolate, but sometimes it leaves me feeling less than satisfied. Sometimes I am also slightly […]

poached peaches and cream

Poached Peaches and Cream

July 6 Part of me can’t bear to do anything other than shove my face with fresh, raw fruit now that everything is in the markets. I love berries a lot but if you made me choose, I think stone fruit would be my favorite. Especially peaches and nectarines. There is probably nothing better than […]