Silky Sweet Potato Soup

October 25 A couple of weeks ago, I stopped making bagels for the farmer’s market. Selling bagels was something that I always wanted to try but I got to a place where I couldn’t grow the business anymore (I definitely reached my capacity in terms of the number of bagels that I was able to make […]

Healthy Breakfast Apple Muffins

Healthy Breakfast Apple Muffins

September 27 It really feels like autumn here now. The trees are golden, the apples and pears have taken over the markets, and there is a clean, crisp feeling to the air. Today we went to see the larches. They look like coniferous trees but turn yellow at the end of September. I’ve heard a […]

plum cake

Plum Cake

September 13 The summer fruit was here and now it’s gone. It happened so fast. Summer is definitely my favourite time for fruit, and I eat a lot of it. It’s my snacks, my breakfast, and my dessert so I need to fill the void fast. The past couple of weeks the best fruit I […]

Hearty, Healthy Vegetable Soup

October 28 I find my cravings so predictably in tune with the change of seasons. The weather has started getting colder, mornings and evenings are darker, and there are only a few stubborn, golden leaves left on the trees. All I want to do is warm my hands and bathe my face in steam that’s […]