Green Couscous Salad

June 12 I really love working out of coffee shops because I am always so much more productive. I love the hum of some noise going on as I work, all of the other people working hard on their laptops, and the delicious drinks that are at my fingertips. I don’t love coffee shop food […]

ten minutes muesli

10 Minute Muesli

June 9 This weekend we decided we would drive up to Lake Louise and do a little hike. It wasn’t going to be a hugely long hike but it’s a long drive and I knew it would be a long day, which calls for snacks. The problem is, by the time the weekend rolls around […]

health breakfast crisp

Healthy Breakfast Crisp

May 17 I am still firmly on my oatmeal-for-breakfast kick. About a year ago, my breakfast life was transformed because of this oatmeal and I haven’t looked back. Before that, I was definitely a cold-cereal girl but I can’t imagine going back. Who knows what will happen as it continues to warm up but these […]

green spring soup

Spring Green Soup

May 13 I have a little herb family! I have absolutely no access to the outdoors, but I have a great big window in the apartment and after doing some reading, I learned that you can actually grow herbs indoors. I took the plunge despite the fact that I am pretty notorious for killing my […]