healthy coconut and blueberry stacks recipe

Healthy Coconut and Blueberry Stacks

August 12 Hello out there. It feels like I haven’t been around these parts in ages. I have so many ideas bursting in my head and I just haven’t been in the kitchen at all. I miss it. Eating out, especially when travelling, is always a treat but I usually start to miss cooking after […]

Coconut and Dark Chocolate Popsicles

July 26 Popsicle experiment number 2: success. When I was in Montreal about a month ago, I went to a delicious food truck with one of my friends at Atwater Market called “Satay Brothers”. I enjoyed a tofu sandwich but I also noticed that they had some pretty interesting ‘paletas’ for sale as well. Paleta […]

orange, sesame and banana smoothie recipe

Orange, Sesame and Banana Smoothie

July 16 I used to be a cereal-only girl for weekday breakfasts. But, I can confidently say, that is no longer the case. Now, I am generally a cereal or smoothie or oatmeal breakfast lady. I think I can attribute this change to working from home. There is something nice about eating the same thing […]

chinese tofu and mushroom steamed buns recipe

Tofu and Mushroom Steamed Buns (Bao)

June 9 I’m in a dough kind of mood. I’ve been craving carbs lately and have also been eager to try and make all sorts of doughs from scratch. A few nights ago, I saw some contestants on Masterchef Australia cook some bao and a lightbulb went off in my head. I had never thought […]