healthy blueberry smoothie recipe

Simply Blueberry Smoothie

December 12 Apples and hydrants and cheeks kissed with cold A fire is flashing, a paint stroke is bold Red is the booth from which you can phone Red is iconic, red is alone A cloudless sky at noon, a cloudless sky at night The deep, deepest sea. Ink, spilled when you write Blue is […]


December 3 I keep buying eggplant and not knowing what to do with it. I feel like I use eggplant all of the time, but I don’t. In my mind it’s like mushrooms in the sense that it is super substantial and often used as a ‘meaty’ substitute in vegetarian cooking (why is that?) but […]

Pumpkin Date Spread

November 19 I am a fan of toppings. Whenever I make something that just begs for toppings (think enchiladas, oatmeal, you get the idea) I go all out. Then I get annoyed because I have to clean up a ton of bowls, but I guess it’s always worth it because I do it over and […]

Hearty, Healthy Vegetable Soup

October 28 I find my cravings so predictably in tune with the change of seasons. The weather has started getting colder, mornings and evenings are darker, and there are only a few stubborn, golden leaves left on the trees. All I want to do is warm my hands and bathe my face in steam that’s […]