banana almond smoothie

Banana Almond Smoothie

February 2 I lived with a shitty blender for a very long time. To be fair, I always knew there were better ones out there but I hadn’t realized how much better, better could be. The blender had been dying a slow death for some time now. First, a little plastic piece on all of […]

roasted mini eggplant and couscous

Middle Eastern Eggplant and Couscous

January 16 I never used to keep couscous in the house. Not for any reason in particular, it was just never on my radar. Now that I am playing around with it, I am realizing how much a grain can inspire different flavours. I definitely don’t usually use spices like cinnamon and paprika very often, […]

Peanut and Farro soup recipe

Peanut and Farro Soup

January 6 I don’t think I have ever seen peanut soup on a menu or have been served it at someone’s house, but it’s something that has popped up a bunch once I started being active on pinterest. It looked very appealing to me and I have been meaning to try to make it for […]

White and Dark Chocolate Bark

A Tale of Two Barks

January 2 There has been an epidemic of unknown proportions in Candy Land. Sweet-toothed gremlins have invaded Candy Floss Forest decimating the red liquorice logs, the toffee toadstools, the dulce leche dirt and the candied pecan pinecones. There is almost nothing left of our magical, mystical forest. As the local candy botanist, I’ve been tasked […]