hazelnut cookie bites

Hazelnut Cookie Bites

October 9 You may notice that these hazelnut cookies bites are quite similar to the last recipe that I posted. You would be correct. They are both cookies and both chocolate + hazelnut flavoured. In fact, the recipe that these are based off of came up while I was searching for biscotti recipes a couple […]

chocolate hazelnut biscotti

Chocolate Hazelnut Biscotti

October 3 I was invited over to someone’s house for dinner this past weekend. One of my first thoughts upon being invited was, “Yes, I get to bake something!” After spending a few days thinking about what I could bring as a ‘thank you’, I decided that these chocolate hazelnut biscotti were the perfect option. […]

triple hazelnut ice cream

Triple Hazelnut Ice Cream

May 1 It’s birthday time! Every year since I started this blog, I’ve posted the sweet treat that I make for my partner’s birthday (apparently I also use the exact same candle in the photos every year). He’s not into traditional birthday cake, so I always try to make something different, especially delicious and a […]

chocolate and hazelnut granola recipe

Chocolate and Hazelnut Granola

April 10 I’m officially obsessed. I saw this recipe on My New Roots and knew I had to make it right away. Why have I never thought of chocolate granola? I have certainly put chopped chocolate into my granola before but I really haven’t made the wet part of the granola recipe chocolatey. Let me […]