hazelnut cookie bites

Hazelnut Cookie Bites

October 9 You may notice that these hazelnut cookies bites are quite similar to the last recipe that I posted. You would be correct. They are both cookies and both chocolate + hazelnut flavoured. In fact, the recipe that these are based off of came up while I was searching for biscotti recipes a couple […]

miso maple wild rice bowl

Miso Maple Wild Rice Bowl

October 4 I’ve recently discovered wild rice blends. If you’re not a huge fan of brown rice on it’s own and want to steer away from white rice, you should definitely check it out. The main reason that I love it is that the texture is amazing. Because there are different shapes, sizes and types […]

fresh mango salsa

Fresh Mango Salsa

June 25 One of the best parts of selling at the farmer’s market is trading my bagels for some of the other produce and products that are being sold there. A couple of weeks ago, there was a vendor I hadn’t seen before and he offered to trade some of his salsa for a pack […]

sesame seared tuna

Sesame Seared Tuna Bowl

June 17 A few months ago, I bought fresh tuna for the first time. We never really saw it at the grocery store before and when we did, we were intrigued to try it out. Because it was a beautiful piece of fish, I wanted to cook it super simply: crusted in black and white […]