blackberry apple snacking cake

Blackberry Apple Snacking Cake

March 20 I acknowledge that this is the second loaf cake that I have posted here in less than a month. The last one, a pear and dark chocolate gem, is perfect as a special occasion treat. While it might look understated, it is a knockout filled with chunks of dark chocolate nestled in a […]

Blackberry, Peach Cake

September 17 I went to stay at someone’s cabin this weekend and my first thought was that it was the perfect opportunity to bake a cake. I haven’t had very many social situations lately where it would make sense to bring baked goods, so I thought this would be a pretty good excuse to whip […]

Blackberry Challah French Toast

June 20 I’ll admit, I ate this for dinner, and what a glorious dinner it was! I made some blackberry filled Challah dreaming of the french toast that it would eventually become. I threw half of the loaf in the freezer (it is a huge loaf of bread) and waited patiently for Sunday night when […]

Challah with Blackberry Filling

June 18 The first time that I made bread it was a total disaster, it didn’t rise, it didn’t taste very good, but boy, was it exciting. I find it fascinating to watch the yeast activate and froth up, and the dough rise and transform into something completely different. It really is an amazing process […]