Spring Ratatouille

Spring Ratatouille

June 7 I love going to the markets and seeing the spring and summer produce slowly appear. Every year, when summer turns to winter, I miss the abundance of fruit and vegetables that are in their prime but after a few months, it’s easy to forget what a good tomato looks like. Now that peppers, […]

sweet potato hash and eggs

Sweet Potato Hash and Eggs

May 8 As always, I bought a couple of giant sweet potatoes and waited a whole week for creativity to strike. Most of the time, I end up baking my sweet potatoes as wedges and while they are delicious, that’s not a complete meal (far from it). I wondered whether I could still get the […]

stuffed red peppers

Stuffed Red Peppers

February 14 I bought a bunch of red peppers a few weeks ago to make fajitas. Unfortunately, I got home and realized I didn’t have any tortillas. There was no way that I was going back to the store, so I set my mind to figure out what I could do with the ingredients I […]

Ultimate Hummus

January 24 As soon as I saw a recipe for homemade hummus posted on I Will Not Eat Oyster’s blog, I knew I had to give it a try. Hummus is one of my all time favourite dips (it’s main rival is guacamole). I knew if I was going to spend the extra time soaking […]