BreakfastFast Weeknight DinnerMain

Tomato, Spinach and Feta Baked Eggs

December 25

baked eggs with spinach, feta, chilli and tomato
Before we moved here, I had grand plans of hosting meals at our place. We even upgraded from our two person table, that could really never accommodate any more than the two of us, to a four person one that could easily squish six people. In the end we’ve been here since April and I have yet to host a single meal. I have had people over to play some board games (great, nerdy board games) but didn’t even serve snacks. For shame! Anyway, the point is, for those of you who have people over for meals and such (particularly breakfast), these eggs are a great way to serve eggs and not have to stand by the stove, flipping or stirring. On top of that, I love breakfast for dinner and this is a great one. It’s a very hearty, satisfying meal that can be eaten as a nice brunch, but pretty much any other meal of the day as well. I made this for the first time a while ago. I used up the last of my tomatillo salsa by putting dollops of it all across the eggs. As soon as I ate it, I knew it had to come up here.

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